
When times are tough it’s difficult to find the mental and emotional strength to keep going.  It can be comforting to hear of others going through similarly tough times and coming out the other side.

I found listening to positive stories really helped my emotional state, and built my belief that I could recover; that I could beat this horrible illness.

For the first nine months of my illness I couldn’t read.  It was too difficult for my brain fogged mind to cope with.  During this time I signed up to the Optimum Health Clinic’s Secrets to Recovery Website;  I highly recommend this resource.  As well as having great information about things that can help your recovery, it has lots of recovery stories from former patients.  I listened to these stories, sometimes multiple times. Slowly they helped me understand that although there is no magic cure for ME/CFS, it is possible to recover.

Later in my recovery, when I could read again I searched for inspirational books.  Two that stand out for me are:

  1. Things Get Better by Katy Piper
  2. After the Crash by Martin Spinelli

I’m currently reading Wild: A Journey from Lost to Found by Cheryl Strayed.  I’m only part way through this, but I’m already inspired by this book too.

These books are not about ME/CFS, but they are all about people working through difficult times in their lives.

I also came across the film Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead.  If you haven’t seen this yet, then make an effort to watch it.  It is a great example of how changing your diet can change your health.

I’d love to hear about other inspirational stories you’ve come across and enjoyed, either books or films.  Please share in the comments below.

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