Super Juice Me and Summer Break

The film Super Juice Me is available to watch for free this weekend. I saw it a few weeks ago (also for free). The film takes 8 people with a range of chronic conditions and puts them on a juice only diet. The changes they experience are incredible and inspirational.

I Juice nearly every day, but I’ve never done a juice fast; and whilst I think my body would be strong enough to cope with it now, I think if I had tried it earlier in my illness it would probably have made me feel worse.

Please be aware that to watch the film for free you do need to give your email address and you will then receive some very sales orientated emails from Jason Vale (you can unsubscribe). I don’t think you need to buy his books or apps if you want to get into juicing. There is plenty of information available for free on line or look for books in your local library, and of course my very own post on Vegetable Juicing.

This may be my last post until the kids go back to school in September.  I certainly won’t be posting regularly over the holidays.  I am going to enjoy this time with my kids.

The first summer I was ill (2012) I couldn’t look after the kids on my own and they had to spend the summer with relatives and friends.  Last summer I did manage to look after the kids for some of the time on my own, and we did a few outings, although they had to be relatively short and carefully planned and  I used my mobility scooter to get around.

This summer I am looking forward to longer outings, and to walking and cycling with my kids.

Just remember if you’re struggling at the moment things can get better.

Best wishes for the summer.

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