New Year Links

Happy New Year.
I have more time for reading at the moment, so I decided it would be a good time to share some of my favourite blogs with you. I often find new blogs I like via links in blogs I already follow, so perhaps one or two of these will appeal to you.

1. Be More With Less by Courtney Carver

Courtney’s blog was part of the reason I decided to start blogging.  She is inspirational and writes beautifully.

2. Project 333 also by Courtney Carver

I have been doing the dressing with less thing for a year now.  I haven’t been ultra strict with the rules, but it’s been interesting.  I’ve learned a lot, and plan to continue next year.  I’m not jumping on the new kitchen challenge just yet, I’m not sure our family are ready for that.

3. Mr Money Moustache

This guy has an alternative view on the world.  Whilst I don’t agree with everything he says, I always enjoy reading his posts, and he has provided much food for thought.

4. Wildmind Buddhist Meditation

This is a great website that runs online meditation classes and challenges.  I find meditation really helpful, but now I’m more active it’s harder to find time for it. Following this blog reminds me to keep practising.

5. zenhabits by Leo Babauta

If you’re having trouble sticking to habits you know would help your health (or anything else for that matter) then take a look at Leo’s blog.  I have followed this blog for several years now, and I’m not bored yet!

6. Gorrillas Be Gone 

This is a fairly new blog by a fellow ME/CFS sufferer, and on-line friend of mine. Her experience of the illness and the impacts on her life are different to mine, but I love her honest accounts of how her life is affected.

That’s all folks. See you in the New Year.

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