July Round Up and the Start of the C2C

What happened to July?

I knew I hadn’t blogged in a while, but I was surprised that my last entry was 3rd July.  It’s been a busy month with end of term concerts, sporting events, school trips, socialising and more.  I am making the most of my recovery and getting out and living life and supporting my family in their various endeavours.

I also spent nearly a whole week in July feeling distinctly low on energy. I now think I was probably fighting off a virus, but at the time I was worried it was a return of the dreaded ME/CFS.  My kids have had various colds and a sickness bug recently, so perhaps I should be thankful that my only symptom was feeling the need to rest a lot more than usual.  However, whenever I get any of the old ME symptoms I get a bit paranoid that I haven’t really recovered after all, and with the C2C ride approaching fast I was worried I wouldn’t be able to make it. I didn’t really want to share those fears at the time in case they came true. Thankfully I’m back to normal now and I have been busy packing and baking in preparation for our trip.  We leave tomorrow to travel up to Whitehaven and will start cycling on Sunday.

I don’t know whether I’ll have any Wifi along the way to update you on my progress.  There may be posts along the way, but if not I will do a post describing the ride when I get home.

After that I’m thinking about the future of this blog.  I think I’ve shared all I can about my recovery, so the time may have come to stop creating new content.  However, I plan to spend some time working out how to make key information that may help others more easily accessible, rather than having to trawl through all my posts.

If there is more that you’d like me to share, or you’d like more detail on some of the things I’ve written about  do let me know, either in the comments section or by email at eat4meblog@gmail.com.

Happy holidays.  See you on the other side of our adventure.

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